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A Birthday...

If there is one individual that embodies the dedication, practicality, laughter and all-around greatness of Daily Bread's volunteers, it is the legend that is Sarah Swan. An inspiration to us all, Sarah turned 89  on October 13, an occasion too momentous not to mark with a little celebration at the end of our distribution.



At the very next distribution after Sarah's birthday celebration, we had another ceremony, though this time it was a bittersweet occasion. With her upcoming move away from Danbury, Hansel Scherwenik will no longer be a regular fixture at every distribution. Hansel has been an amazing friend of Daily Bread for over ten years, serving as a director, leader of our Guest Registration team, and always making sure we are doing the right thing. Quite simply, another Pantry legend! We will miss you Hansel, but also know in our hearts you will be back from time to time to make sure we are not going completely off the rails.

...and a Goodbye

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