If you would like to make a cash donation, please go to the Donate page. Cash donations provide us the flexibility to purchase food items that are most in need at any time. Donations of food are also much appreciated and bring welcome variety to our shelves. Learn about what we are most in need of here. There are lots of other ways to support our work, and all are deeply appreciated. Listed below are the most popular ways to help, but feel free to contact us with any other ideas of your own.
Daily Bread is run entirely by its dedicated volunteers. Quite simply, the Pantry would not exist without our 250+ active volunteers who pick up and receive food, stock our shelves, help clients select and carry their food and do much behind-the-scenes work.
Sometimes it is hard work but we certainly do not forget to have fun! We are a diverse group, representing the communities we serve.
Please complete this short application and one of our amazing volunteer coordinators will be in touch.
Oh, if you happen to be 65 or over, live in Danbury and own your own home, you may be eligible to receive up to a $700 tax credit for volunteering at the Pantry. More details HERE.
​Existing volunteers: if you have completed a profile in our volunteer management platform, you can sign up for shifts here.

Organizing a Food Drive at your work, school, college, house of worship, or even just in your neighborhood is a great way to gather a really meaningful amount of food. Take a look at the kinds of items we are always especially in need of on the Donate page and if you need any further help or guidance, please get in touch.
If you are super-successful and collect car-loads of food, please let us know when you are bringing it in so we can arrange for extra help carrying everything into the Pantry and get it all shelved.
If our regular donation hours are not convenient, we can always make some special arrangements and perhaps even have a team photo-op!
Instead of a food drive, you may wish to organize a fundraising event. Your imagination is the only limit to ways in which money can be raised but here are some ideas:
Lemonade Stand
Bake sale
Pancake Breakfast
Rummage Sale
Talent Show
Car Wash
Outdoor Movie Night
Food Pantry Day (or Night!)
Collection Jars
Don't forget to spread the word about your fundraising efforts on social media or on your website!